
The Happy Human

The Happy Human


The Happy Human

The #HappyHumanProject is intended to remind us that there are infinite choices in our world and that individually we are responsible for our own way of see and being, especially when it relates to how we treat other people.

I believe we are here to reflect our inner light outward toward each other so we can learn and grow from our differences not to be herded into general categories defined by narrow perspectives that limit our exposure to each other. Our differences make us stronger when we are able to see them as valuable rather than a nuisance.

My challenge to all of you is to ask yourselves…Are you going to be a reflection of the limited perspectives that are easiest to identify with? OR, are you going to have the courage to let people to see YOUR inner light, be curious about what’s possible and allow others to share the goodness and power they have within?

We can all be happy humans when we are allowed to see, be seen, and appreciate that light we all have inside.